Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Aches and Pains.....

First of all, my great idea of going to the gym and doing leg exercises, put paid to the smooth running I expected to have in the following days.

My quads and glutes hurt to the point where walking is a strain. I did run 3.84 KM today (6 laps) in some pain. First lap was bad... 4.37 min and then as the muscles warmed up, the lap time got a bit better ending my 6th lap in 3:45 min. Overall time 24:37 min. My leg still hurts and I may end up taking a Tylenol for the pain (I disagree with taking pain killers as a philosophy). I suspect I did not cool down/stretch well after my leg exercises on Monday

Yesterday was more of the same. I ran 4K in about 30 minutes on 2 tread mills ( had to give up my treadmill to other folks). Timing was off, pain was on ...

Surprisingly my calf pain I complained about earlier is gone (probably masked under all the other pain/ache points I have discovered) :o)

I checked my weight yesterday and it was 99.18. This definitely points to a bad measurement earlier, must get a better scale or something. I am happy to be back below 100 Kg ...whopppppppppppeeeeeeeeeee

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