Friday, August 31, 2007

Last day of August 2007... and no run

I have not been running for the last two days. Did I mean to take it easy... hell no. but the best laid plans of mice and men got waylaid by that most wondrous of all things - family (read wife :o) )

Yesterday I was still aching from my leg exercise escapade and decided not to run. Wanted to do breakfast with the wife, but logistics, early morning meetings intervened.

Today I togged up hoping to run after attending a PTA meeting at my kid's school, only to realize that the wondrous expected to be dropped afterwards to work. Well, to make a long story short, we went to Vaishali instead (must write about the cult of Vaishali one of these days), had breakfast with the aforementioned wondrous and that was that. Had a great time, see the usual faces, and swap notes about the cult of Vaishali.

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